About us

Welcome to Expats Interviews!

We interview people who are living abroad. Here you will find the thoughts and observations of expats living in countries like Thailand, the Philippines, Holland, India, Australia and a lot more. We find that it’s always exciting to know about what motivated people to live in another part of the world, how they generate their income, how they manage to live there, and what they’ve learned from their experiences in a land that’s become their new home.

Living in another country might seem to be an easy thing to do but in fact, many expats went through a lot of trial and error. If you are considering an international move yourself, let ExpatInterviews.com show you examples of real people who have done it successfully. Learn how they did it, how they managed to survive the difficulties of moving to another country, and how they are happily living their life’s dream. You too can make such dreams possible; this site will be one of the first steps in the right direction.

ExpatInterviews.com will help you get the ideas and the motivation to finally turn your goal into reality — to start that restaurant you’ve always wanted in Melbourne or to be that mountain guide in Thailand you’ve always dreamed of being, for instance. Reading these stories will get you motivated and get the blood in your veins running again.

What About Us!

“All men are world citizens by birth. Every man has the right to go and settle anywhere and to live like a human being.”
-Shrii Prabhat R. Sarkar – Indian poet, linguist, and philosopher

You can look at Expat Interviews this way if you will. Our site is like a bridge, something that people who need information on what it’s like to live in another country, can cross to get first-hand feedback and insights from one of the best sources that exist: expatriates, or expats.

These people have made the big move themselves and are in a position to tell others what life is like for them as foreigners in another land. The expats featured here share their observations on a gamut of topics: from getting a job to dealing with homesickness to the traits of the local population. They also give tips that they think will be helpful for would-be expats.

Expat Interviews respects the privacy of each person on this site, whether he/she is an interviewee or a newsletter subscriber. We will not release your e-mail address or any other information you give to us to other parties without your express consent.

Here’s some information on the two individuals who are having so much fun doing Expat Interviews (and who themselves are fascinated with the interviews published here):

Victor is a webmaster who lives in the Netherlands. He loves to travel and has visited countries like Thailand, India, Australia and is planning for a worldwide trip. He enjoys windsurfing, meeting new people, and occasionally relaxing with a cold beer at the end of a long day.

Lizza is a freelance writer who lives in the Philippines. She plans to travel extensively someday to see for herself the attractions of other countries and to get a taste of their cultures. She loves to read and to write, and she makes a killer green mango salad. She also likes beer.